Our Library
Library is a part of a university set up. Therefore, it exists to serve the objectives of its parent organization. Every library programme must support universities total programme. The University Library should aim to advance the functions of that university. SBU library is spacious and adequately stocked, with the requisite number of reference and text books. Students and faculties are given access to many e-books/courses from Pearson, NPTEL etc.
The Library Card will be issued to the student at the beginning of the student's academic year in the University, subject to the rules and regulations of the Library. The Card shall have to be presented at the Library counter at the time of drawing or returning books, etc. This card shall be surrendered at the time of obtaining clearance certificate while leaving the University.
- The library card will be valid up to the date mentioned on it. A member should get the card renewed before it expires, if he/she requires.
- The Card as well as the Ticket will be the responsibility of the Card holder. In case of misplacement/ loss of the card it should be immediately reported in writing to the librarian. Issue of duplicate card may be considered in case of loss on payment of the required amount, but cannot be claimed as a right. The card holder will be held responsible for books found outstanding in the original Card/Ticket even after duplicate card has been already issued.
- The books borrowed on the Card/Ticket are not transferable.
- All the members (students) have the privilege to draw only two books at a time from the general stock. The duration of loan will be two weeks only.

- One extra book may be borrowed by all from the Text-book section strictly for the overnight study. Text-book will be issued to the borrower on the first come first served basis of their demands made personally in the daily register maintained in the counter. All such demands are valid for particular day itself and cannot be considered for any subsequent day. No borrower will put a demand for the same book on consecutive days. However, it may be allowed if there is no other demand for the book until closing of register.
- The students are required to check the book at the time of issue and bring it to the notice of the librarian if those are damaged before getting them issued to someone else, he/she will be responsible for the damage detected at the time of returning that book.
- Marking library book/material either with pencil, pen or highlighters is prohibited. If found so the responsible member will be required to replace the damaged material with the new one or to pay the prevailing price of the market. The price of the rare book shall be decided by the librarian
- Over-due charges will be collected as per the rules prevailing in case of delay in return. In addition to such charges the card's possession can be taken away leading to the suspension of all the borrowing facilities for two weeks. Current charges are rupees 5/-per day.
- Loss of books should be reported in writing to the librarian immediately. The decision of the librarian will be final regarding recovery costs.
- Any material other than writing material will not be allowed in the library. Such items may be bags, briefcases, file covers, shawls etc.
- Books will not be issued for the vacations, except with special permission, and these must be returned as soon as the vacation is over.
- The Card has to be presented in the time of returning the books than the loan will be discharged and ticket will be returned.
- Misuse of library is considered as the breach of discipline.
- No-dues certificate will not be issued unless the Card/Ticket is deposited in the library
- The above regulations may be amended at the discretion of the Concerned Authority.